Monday, May 21, 2007

California Bound!!

So... I just got done packing the car and still haven't been to bed yet. My Dad and I are leaving for a week-long road trip within the next hour; we are aiming to see Oklahoma City, the Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, and the west Coast, with Riverside, California being our final destination. Why you ask? I am going to be part of Project Impact this summer; it's a program through the Baptist Student Union at Oklahoma University. I'm really excited about the summer.
Before I started packing earlier this past afternoon, my friend Ryan, his friend "Pretty Chris" (I don't know his actual last name) and I drove over to Panther Creek park to catch the final minutes of a sunset. Shown is Ryan pinching the moon and us driving.

So hopefully in about 14 or 15 hours, we will be safely in Oklahoma City! Peace...

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